October 18, 2018 Major Meat

Community Night 10/19 Schedule – COD Custom Lobbies Return!


For those New to PCP or have just forgotten as it’s been so long, Custom lobbies playing unique gametypes with PCP members only is a staple here in our community. A long time ago, our Friday nights consisted of only COD custom lobbies before we expanded out schedule. These lobbies are where we built our ever growing family. Laughter, banter, and good times were had weekly with games that you just can’t play within the public matches. Using these lobbies for unique games in which stats don’t matter no only help you practice and blow off steam from the week, it also helped facility camaraderie that extends into the competition the other modes and other games.

Please, if you have Black Ops 4, stop by the lobby, take in a few games and join your fellow Pigs in a returning tradition. I’m excited to see that COD may finally get back on track and give us what we need to connect somewhere common.

Not member?  Sounds like good times? (IT IS)  Enlist today!
[avatar user=”Phlipups” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” /]  Phlipups